
Off to St John’s Newfoundland tomorrow at some ungodly hour. I’m playing with The Worst Pop Band Ever at the Wreckhouse Jazz Festival. Hoping to hook up with some friends (there are a lot of Toronto folks playing).

I’m trying to travel light, which is sort of offset by the fact that I’m packing a synth, so I’m going to be worrying about oversize/overweight/fragile checked luggage. But on top of that, I’m bringing a change of clothes, a pair of shorts, my swimsuit, my laptop, my phone and a book. Yay traveling light. Not sure I’ll ever get it. But I need all this stuff. Here’s what I’ve set out for myself, if I miraculously end up with nothing to do in St John’s:

  1. Try to understand Henri Bergson (the book: Thinking in Time by Suzanne Guerlac)
  2. Set up an iPhone/Ableton Live/Pure Data rig for some upcoming gigs with Kush
  3. Work on some stuff in Pure Data for an interactive project with Simon and Javier
  4. Find some good fish & chips

I’m pretty sure I can pull off #4.