Little Oak Animal at Handmade Music Toronto

I finally edited some of the performance Robert Cruickshank and I did at Handmade Music Toronto. We play as Little Oak Animal. Rob’s visuals are all analog – 2 slide projectors and a Super 8 machine – and my sound is all digital, done in Pd.

Little Oak Animal at Handmade Music Toronto from Dafydd Hughes on Vimeo.

Aloha Supreme

I just got my copy of this Monday night and I’ve been listening to it pretty steadily since.

I feel lucky to be playing with Christine, and honoured to be on this record, working with such amazing musicians. Once again, Christine’s crafted a really beautiful collection of songs.

The release concert is Sunday night (Nov 21) at the Tranzac. Elvis Bossa Nova plays the first set, and Robert Cruickshank plays Etch-a-sketch!