My good friend Javier Lovera has just finished a short called A House No More and he asked me to write some music for it. He’s posted about it here. It gets released sometime next week. He’s an awesome photographer, and took some wicked pictures of my piano while we were recording it.
Category Archives: Music
Little Oak Animal at Handmade Music Toronto
I finally edited some of the performance Robert Cruickshank and I did at Handmade Music Toronto. We play as Little Oak Animal. Rob’s visuals are all analog – 2 slide projectors and a Super 8 machine – and my sound is all digital, done in Pd.
Little Oak Animal at Handmade Music Toronto from Dafydd Hughes on Vimeo.
Thom Gill!
Lead Sheet: Rat
Lead Sheet: Tell Old Uncle Jimmy
In honour of the fact that James Robertson is joining Christine and me on Monday, I’ve written out Tell Old Uncle Jimmy, which is our shortest song, and also the closest we get to bedroom soul. You can listen Christine and I play it here.
Here’s the pdf: Tell Old Uncle Jimmy.
Monday we’re probably going to play some Elvis!
Aloha Supreme
I just got my copy of this Monday night and I’ve been listening to it pretty steadily since.
I feel lucky to be playing with Christine, and honoured to be on this record, working with such amazing musicians. Once again, Christine’s crafted a really beautiful collection of songs.
The release concert is Sunday night (Nov 21) at the Tranzac. Elvis Bossa Nova plays the first set, and Robert Cruickshank plays Etch-a-sketch!