I wrote this one for Andrée. It’s a good kind of Rat.
pdf: Rat
Listen to Christine and I play it here.
In honour of the fact that James Robertson is joining Christine and me on Monday, I’ve written out Tell Old Uncle Jimmy, which is our shortest song, and also the closest we get to bedroom soul. You can listen Christine and I play it here.
Here’s the pdf: Tell Old Uncle Jimmy.
Monday we’re probably going to play some Elvis!
It’s been a while since I put up a lead sheet, but Sheridan just upgraded me to Sibelius 6 and this was good opportunity to try it out and get back on the horse. Wow – Sib 6 has some great improvements. It’s a lot smarter about automatically moving things out of each others’ way, and it’s great at guessing chords without needing a drop down menu.
Here’s the Deborahs (Roger Travassos, Paul Mathew, Chris Banks and me) playing Inor Man:
And here’s the chart: Inor Man (pdf).
I wrote They don’t have to be pretty after hearing Dean’s Dragon one night. It’s not a comment on their appearance. They look great. They also sound amazing. They’re clearly mostly crazy.
On Monday I got to play this tune twice – once with Christine at the Tranzac and once with The Worst Pop Band Ever at the Rex. Needless to say, they were pretty different performances, and both tons of fun. One of my favourite things about writing music is what happens when other people get their hands on it and I have to relinquish some control.
Lead sheet: They don’t have to be pretty (pdf)
Listen to Christine and I play it here.
Slowly chipping away at lead sheets. I know I have a lot of these as Sibelius files already, so I’m doing the ones I know I haven’t got.
Here’s a recording of The Deborahs (Roger Travassos, Chris Banks and me) playing Calvin Klein for Ghosts. We don’t play together enough.
and the chart:
I’ve (finally) started putting lead sheets for all my tunes into the same electronic place (I’ve got photocopies and handwritten charts everywhere) and I figure I’ll put them here as I progress.
Tim Shia calls Giant things by the side of the highway my indie jazz mega-hit.
Here’s a recording of Christine and I playing it at the Tranzac. We’ve been playing it slower and slower, to the point that now we just play it once through, no solos, otherwise it’s unbearably long. Here we play it twice:
[audio:http://fancydavid.com/_fancydavid/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/Giant-things-by-the-side-of-the-highway.mp3|titles=Giant things by the side of the highway]Giant things by the side of the highway (pdf)
Fine print, in which I presume somebody likes this: Feel free to use as you like, as long as you don’t run afoul of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Canada License I’m using. Also, it’s okay to play this stuff on a gig, which is sort of commercial but understood to be cool. Otherwise, get in touch and we can work something out. If you want to use it on a record, please let me know. If you play it at a show and record it, I’d love to hear what you do with it.